Category: Uncategorized

How to Avoid Common Plumbing Scams

  Plumbing is a complex task requiring both precision and knowledge. Page through any city phonebook, however, and you’ll find a host of plumbers claiming they do work not just fast, but cheap. Unfortunately, some are in the business just to make a quick buck and aren’t shy about running a scam! Here are four


Winter Water Heater Maintenance

  It’s that time of the year again; Winter! When you inflict more wear and tear on your water heater than ever due to the cold causing it to work harder to heat your water. So what better a time than now to perform maintenance on your old water heater whether it be replacing old insulation,


Successful Re-pipe near Cal Baptist University

 (Nov. 23) Big John’s plumbing employees completed a full house re-pipe in Riverside near Cal Baptist University for client Donna Tears. The three Big John’s Plumbing employees lead by plumber Mario Carrara arrived at 8 a.m. and completed the job around 9 p.m. Leaving the client satisfied with her residence completely re-piped with PEX, a