Water Softener Services in Riverside

Refreshing Riverside water softener services.

water softener installation and repair service

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Is hard water a problem in your home? Hard water occurs when there is an excess amount of minerals such as magnesium and calcium in the water. This is common in rural Riverside, CA homes. Big John’s Plumbing offers reliable water softener installation and repair services to keep these minerals in check and keep your water fresh and safe.

The problems caused by hard water are many. A whole-house water softener will make a huge impact in your home and make sure you do not experience the dangers and annoyances that come with hard water.

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How Does a Whole-Home Water Softener Work?

Water softeners target harmful minerals such as magnesium and calcium. These minerals are often found in well-water and rural areas. A water softener uses a special tank filled with salt crystals. The water from your plumbing passes through the tank and the salt crystals bind to the magnesium and calcium molecules.

The sodium neutralizes the minerals, leaving your water clean, fresh, and free of harmful minerals. The water softener is always working and requires salt added on a regular basis to keep it working. Since the unit is constantly working to remove minerals from the water, you will also need to invest in timely water softener repair service if the unit breaks down in order to avoid some of the more damaging issues caused by hard water.

What are the Benefits of Using a Water Softener?

If you have hard water in your home, you will notice a variety of problems. Water softener installation companies can determine whether or not you would benefit from a water softener. Hard water in the home will result in not only scale buildup on your plumbing appliances and fixtures, but the following issues will also plague your home:

● Brown stains on clothes coming out of the laundry.

● Difficulty lathering soap.

● Soap with a filmy residue on it.

● Dry skin.

● Foul smelling and tasting water.

● And more.

These problems may seem minor, but when they all occur together, it can be a frustrating experience. Not to mention the fact that scale buildup from the minerals precipitating from the water will cause significant problems with your water heater and other plumbing appliances. Scale speeds up the process of corrosion and means more frequent water heater repairs and replacement for you.

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If hard water is affecting your home, call (951) 934-3931 for professional water softener repair and installation services. Our Riverside, CA experts will make sure your home is protected from harmful minerals.